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Life Coaching is for you if...


  • You are transitioning from one season of life to another

  • You are not sure how to define your purpose 

  • You have a dream or vision for your future but not sure how to even start

  • You have some goals that you would like to attain but are having a hard time getting started or staying committed


Life Coaching

Coaching is the practice of enabling individuals and groups to move 


from where they are... where they want to be.


Coaching focuses less on overcoming weaknesses and more on building skills and strengths.


Coaching deals mostly with a person’s present and seeks to guide him or her into a more desirable future.


My expertise is helping individuals and groups to see their potential and discover their purpose; to help individuals and groups transition in their current life season to the next step in their life.

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Ultimate Graphix
Florence, Alabama


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